Congratulations Kelsey on your Instrument Rating!
Congratulations Kelsey on your Instrument Rating!
860-7283 or 860-3367
Snake River Flight Training is the only school in the Treasure Valley powered completely by LyCon engines. LyCon is famous industry-wide for providing the highest quality engine overhauling services in the country. *The exception is the Stinson, with the Franklin engine, done at a Franklin specialty shop in NC.
PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THE BANNER THAT REFERENCES JOINING THIS SITE. IT LITERALLY DOES YOU NO GOOD. I still get people clicking that, and of course they get ignored because the only way I would see this would be to open this page and respond. I do not have time to visit this page every day. But you will get almost immediate attention if you will text or email - that I check 7 days a week. So stop clicking that banner! I cannot disable it.
Coming in for a Discovery Flight? Please bring the TSA required documentation of a current US Passport OR a current US driver's license and a birth certificate. TSA says we cannot train without proof of citizenship

Why do we work so hard to teach the "old school" approach to flying? Why do we teach you to fly an arc approach with no need for vectors and zero GPS guidance? Because THIS is real.
At SRFC, of course you will learn GPS and you will learn it well. But you will also be the pilot who knows exactly how to fly without needing help when GPS is jammed (as in the photo above, which took place in January twice!)

One of the most satisfying things we can do is to train GOOD pilots, not just pilots. Rich Stowell, National CFI of the Year and national FAAST team rep of the year, plus author of "PARE" "Emergency Maneuver Training", "Stall/Spin Awareness" to mention just a few, has recently teamed with us on some training ideas and videos. Watch his webpage for upcoming programs which will be fantastic skill builders for ANY pilot!

What is the difference between a 141 and 61 school? A question we get A LOT! 141 is generally a much larger school, they can take government funding and are usually a 'pipeline' to the airlines for their instructors. If you prefer a large school setting, that would be a good fit for you. A question we get every week - are we 61 or 141? We are 61, we are not large and we will never get any bigger. Many years ago, we were a flying club with the typical membership format. But several years ago, our training end of the business became so busy, that we dropped the flying club model, and are purely a school now. We no longer charge a membership, and we also no longer rent our planes to non-students.
Our focus is to help young instructors move forward with their careers just like a 141 would, but we do it on a smaller and more personal level. We hire instructors who were taught by us with our particular focus on the basics, and in turn they create pilots who perpetuate that skillset and piloting discipline. Our training method focuses very heavily on the feel of flying, after a solid foundation of learning the required speeds for various phases of flight has been mastered. Once this "instinctive" feel for flying has been learned, you will find transitioning to new aircraft to be a fairly simple project, because you have learned what a safe feel and response is from the plane, as you fly.
But! This is NOT a replacement for instrument interpretation while flying at night or in the clouds. "Feel" when you cannot see well outside is deadly! Your training includes at least three hours of flying purely with no outside reference, using a view limiting device, and you will quickly learn that trying to fly by feel with no outside reference will be disastrous without a thorough development of your instrument flying ability. Never try to fly by feel without perfect outside reference to depend on!
We specialize in Old School flying - no electronic calculators, no reliance on the moving map on the GPS screen. Our emphasis is for understanding of the raw data and knowing where you are on a paper chart at all times. You can always turn to the moving map page on the GPS, but you cannot always turn to mastery of paper chart navigation when the electronics fail. And they DO fail. If this was not the way you were trained at the start, you will not be as proficient during a challenging failed electronics situation, and training for worst case is how every single day should be approached. There are way too many accident reports of pilots getting into trouble because their iPad quit. Your paper chart will never turn off.
Most instruction nowadays considers the paper charts to be a backup. We consider the moving map on our GPS to be the backup. (And yes, our planes all have full Garmin panels, our 172's and 182 have dual GPS units) Does this mean we will not use ForeFlight? Nope, it does not mean that at all. It means we teach you to FLY, and not rely on electronics. Our students who use ForeFlight are highly proficient using it, but they are equally proficient with paper.
The curricula for 61 and 141 are the same, so you will not learn more or less by going with either type school. Owners Jim and Lisa personally train many of the students at Snake River, and during your training you will not only fly with your regular full time instructor, you will also get reviews from Lisa and/or Jim. With 40 and 30 years as a CFI's respectively, it is a great way to prep for your solo and your check ride, and feel VERY well prepared. (We want the lessons to be way harder than the check ride will ever be. That is when you are ready.)

If you have been considering your tailwheel endorsement, here is your chance to do it in a post-WWII golden age of aviation classic. Our 1947 Stinson is one of the lowest time airplanes to be found in the whole country, and has a newly overhauled Franklin engine, Garmin GNS430 GPS navcom plus ADS-B out/in.

Cessna 152 (141 hp conversion)
IFR certified
Cessna 172B (163 hp)
IFR certified
Cessna 172D (163 hp)
VFR day/night
Cessna 182P (264 hp)
Dual Training Only
High Performance Sign Offs
IFR certified
Stinson Voyager 108-2 (165 hp)
Dual Training Only
Tailwheel Sign Offs
VFR only
Discovery Flight: $250
You will be with your instructor a minimum of 2 hours and log in a logbook a 1+ hour long flight which counts towards your training
And if you want our training philosophy in a it is:

Click here for the FAA requirements, made easy!
To sign up for a lesson, your instructor will get you signed up on our online scheduling app. To sign up for a Discovery Flight, you will need to contact us directly, and we will arrange a time that is convenient for you.
As a courtesy to our instructors and your fellow students, you need to cancel no later than 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. We know life springs things on us and cancellations cannot be avoided, so we rarely exercise the penalty, but failure to cancel more than 48 hours ahead of your scheduled appointment can result in a one hour charge for the airplane as well as a one hour charge for your instructor. We are not a huge school with limitless airplanes, so we really appreciate cancellations to be far enough in advance that others can see the new opening and schedule it for themselves.
Lisa A Breuer
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor Airplane,
Instrument and Multi-Engine
Jim Breuer
Commercial Pilot
Austin Warth
Commercial Pilot
Alexandra Troyer
Commercial Pilot
*We do not charge for the entire time you are with your CFI. Policy is that we will charge you only for the time that you are receiving instruction, which generally means you only pay for the time with your CFI when you are flying. (Exceptions: When additional ground school is needed during lesson time, and first supervised solos)
Congratulations to
our solos!
Chris M. Matt B. Owen M. Sarah C. Gary W. Cayze V. Austin F. James R. Erik B. Travis W. Betsy W. Jason M. Janene D. Marian M. Paul A.
Jared F. Kenny G. Aaron S. Maguire W. Jared B. Joe R. John W. Andrew S. Rachel F. Mike M. Jaxon S. Jake P. Zac S. Ben C. Guy S. Josh W. Erik C. Mekel H. David H. Alex T. Blake A. Austin W. Liam B. Brandon G. Jim H. Becky H. Merle S. Quinn L. Oakley H. Luke N. Marcus S. Patrick O. Dan C. Tony S. Jared N. James B. Jose H. Robyn H. Corey S. Dave K. Zach H. Julian A. Sara L. Wes R. Justin K. CJ G. Spencer S. Sam L. Bennett H. Benjamin H. Kaydence A Jacob H. Gordon H. Xavier B. ClaraLeigh E.
Cobin T. Ryder B. William W. Shane B. Tucker V.
Roger M. Courtney P. James L. Nick H. Ryan C. Natania O. Tyler D. Tyler E. Matt M. Katelyn S.
Lynn C. Megan H. Garren L. Luke S.
Congratulations to
our checkrides!
Rob S: Instrument Rating Paul A: Private Pilot Owen M: Private Pilot Joe R: Private Pilot Travis W: Private Pilot Betsy W: Private Pilot
Gary W.: Private Pilot Paul R: Private Pilot Logan T: Commercial Pilot Eric B: Private Pilot Mike M: Private Pilot Kelsey M: Inst. Rating
Ben C: Private Pilot Mike M: Inst. Rating Mike M: Comm. Pilot
Maguire W: Private Pilot Eric C. Private Pilot Tom H: Private Pilot
Alec L: Private (in his Stinson) Austin W: Private Pilot Lucas S: Commercial Pilot Mike M: CFI Travis W: Inst. Rating Alex T: Private Pilot
Sarah C: Private Pilot Quinn L: Private Pilot Nick K: Inst. Rating
Brandon G: Private Pilot Travis W: Comm. Pilot Maguire W: Comm. Pilot
Jared N: Private Pilot Dusty G: Private Pilot Dan C: Private Pilot Tony S. Private Pilot Robyn H: Private Pilot James B: Private Pilot
Alex T: Instr. Rating Hayden S: Private Pilot Tanner K: Inst. Rating
Alex T: Commercial Pilot Julian A: Private Pilot Becky H: Private Pilot
Bennett H: Private Pilot Benjamin H: Private Pilot Eric H: Private Pilot
Wes R: Private Pilot Xavier B: Private Pilot Carter R: Private Pilot
Marissa A: Commercial Pilot Kasey G: Private Pilot Alex T: CFI
Kaydence A: Private Pilot Tom H: Commercial Pilot Brandon G: Inst. Rating
Courtney P: Private Pilot Will W: Private Pilot Julian A: Inst. Rating
Sam L: Private Pilot Jeremy P: Inst. Rating Nate S: Private Pilot
Sara L: Private Pilot Roger M: Private Pilot. Gordy H: Private Pilot
Brandon G: Commercial Pilot Jeremy P: Commercial. Alex T : CFI-Instrument
5515 Aviation Way
(Look for us just west of Gate 6)
(208) 860-7283
(208) 860-3367